Wednesday, February 1, 2012

King George VI Indian stamp on Word War II "Victory"

     King George VI's coronation as Emperor of India took place in 1936 and His Majesty remained King till India's independence from British rule in 1947.

     Many definitive and commemorative British Indian stamps were issued during his reign as the constitutional monarch till 1947 of British Indian empire.Some of them have become quite popular and are in demand among philatelists specializing in Pre-Independence Indian stamps and Commonwealth stamps.

    One such stamp is the King George VI stamp issued in 1946 to commemorate British Indian victory in  World War II in 1945.It carried the word "VICTORY" inscribed over a vertical sword over the map of British India.It was issued in different colors like yellow-green,dull violet, bright blue and claret red, across values of 9 paisa, 1 1/2 annas, 3 1/2 annas and 12 annas* .

   As far as my collection is concerned, I am having the following 12 annas worth claret red type King George VI "VICTORY" stamp (SG No. 281).

Happy collecting :)
King George VI "Victory" Stamp,1946; SG No. 281.
* Indian currency system in Pre-Independence era : 1 Rupee = 16 Annas; 1 Anna = 4 Paise; 1 Paise = 3 Pies


Stanley Gibbons Catalogue on Indian stamps, Pp. 10, SG no. 278- 281.

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